The Best Criminal Lawyers In Los Angeles

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Submitted by: Mary Masi, Esq.
Criminal defense lawyers in any big city are a dime a dozen. Los Angeles is no exception. If you or someone that you love has been arrested or is under investigation for a crime, then it is crucial to have an experienced criminal attorney handle the proceedings from the very beginning. Often, when charges are first brought there is an investigation by police. Frequently, police ask incriminating questions which you do not legally have to answer, and the fact that you choose not to answer cannot be held against you. You are free to remain silent and request an attorney before proceeding with any potentially incriminating conversation with authorities. Sometimes the more friendly that authorities appear claiming to be “on your side” for you to “do the right thing” is a red flag for you to beware because whatever you say will be used against you. Don’t let authorities make you feel guilty for remaining silent and asking for a criminal lawyer. It is your Constitutional right!
If you or someone that you care about is being charged with a crime, then here are 10 things to consider before choosing a criminal lawyer in Los Angeles:
1. Does the attorney have any history of discipline from the California State Bar?
2. How many criminal jury trials has the criminal defense attorney completed as first chair? Even if you have no desire to take your case to a criminal jury trial, a defense lawyer who has done criminal jury trials frequently knows more about the strength and weakness of prosecution cases and how it plays out in court. This is helpful information for negotiating plea bargain deals as it can provide leverage.
3. Is the lawyer a true blue defense lawyer that is inclined to fight for YOUR rights, or have they been a former prosecutor turned defense lawyer just to make more money?
4. Is the attorney willing to promise you that he/she will be the only one appearing in court in Los Angeles to represent you, or will your case be handed off to a less experienced criminal attorney in their office after you pay the firm?
5. Is the criminal lawyer better at marketing like a salesman, or better at actually performing in court for clients in Los Angeles? Some attorneys are outstanding salesman like marketers, but spend little time actually doing the legal work themselves to represent their clients in criminal courts in Los Angeles. How well does the lawyer know the facts and applicable law for your particular case?
6. Is the name of the law office different from the name of the criminal attorney that you meet with when you go there to hire a criminal defense lawyer or for a consultation? Exactly which lawyer will be representing you in court? Is the lawyer’s name specified in your written agreement?
7. How long has the attorney that will be representing you been a lawyer in Los Angeles? Do they have enough experience to warrant the fees that you will be charged?
8. Who does the legal research for the firm or the lawyer representing you? Is it a first year law student or a seasoned criminal lawyer who has experience in Los Angeles criminal courts?
9. Does the lawyer discourage you from taking your case to trial when you tell them that you are completely innocent? If so, you may want to get a second opinion from another criminal lawyer in Los Angeles.
10. When you meet with the criminal lawyer in Los Angeles do you feel as though he/she will defend you will the same vigor as if it was a member of his/her own family?
About the Author: Mary Masi handles all criminal law matters in Los Angeles. She has litigated over 1,000 DUI and drug related cases. In 2011, she is credited with winning dismissal of fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, and RICO fraud claims valued at over $100 million dollars. Details:
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